
Mostrando entradas de noviembre 1, 2020

I love SPORTS!

  THE PARK 1- Look at the picture:  We can play in the park - Do page 58 in your book. SPORTS 1-  Watch the next video: 2- Practice pronunciation: SWIMMING (suiming) FOOTBALL (futbol) SKATING (skeiting) RUNNING (roning) TENNIS (tenis) - Do pages 59, 63 and 65 in your book.

Clothes! Nicol and Jairo

November 6th 2020  CLOTHES 1- Watch the next video: 2- Practice pronunciation: PANTS   T-SHIRT (Tishirt) SKIRT SHOES SOCKS 3- Do pages 58, 59 and 60 in your book. ENVIA LAS EVIDENCIAS AL WHATSAPP